Blog : 5 Differences in Tonight's Democratic Debate

by Peter Leeds on October 13th, 2015

Message from Peter Leeds:  
"Some of you know I recently went to California for a stem cell transplant surgery.  This caused a few publication delays, but now we are back on track and stronger than ever!
Everything went great, and I feel excellent.  Thank you for any well-wishes, and know that our team is committed to finding you the absolute best in high-quality, low-priced stocks." 
New High-Quality, Low-Priced Penny Stock: 
Our shortlist of potential penny stock picks has been culled down to the final ten (from hundreds).  One more review, and we will isolate which of these high-quality, low-priced investments will be posted to subscribers within hours.
New Penny Stock Book:
We'll get a firm publication date for the revised edition of, "Penny Stocks for Dummies."  The release was slated for February, but that has now been moved forward by several months.
This international bestseller now includes several new sections, from Bitcoin to investor stampedes, the Dot Com mania to marijuana penny stocks.
All of Peter's parts are completed, and now it just needs to go through layout, editing, printing, and distribution.  Ideally, PSFD will be available in time for the Holiday season.  You can get your copy wherever books are sold.
5 Differences in Tonight's Democratic Debate:
Compared to what we witnessed with the Republican National Debates, there will be several specific differences with tonight's Democratic debate.
1 - smaller viewership
Without the contentious "fire power" which seems to follow Trump around, you can assume the viewership for tonight's event will be dramatically lower than what the Republican version attracted.  In fact, many people from both parties, as well as undecided voters, tuned into the debates with Trump just for the entertainment value, lifting the ratings higher.
2 - fewer candidates
There will only be five candidates, which is less than half of the 11 on stage at the Republican debate -   Martin O'Malley, Jim Webb, Lincoln Chafee, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders.
There were too many candidates for the Republican event, giving it a crowded feeling.  With only 5 at tonight's debate, each candidate will enjoy more time in the spotlight.
3 - competes with sports
With baseball playoffs underway, many potential viewers will be watching sports instead of politics.
4 - less contentious
While the candidates do not necessarily like each other, they are more likely to be less contentious in their banter.  Without the insults hurled by Trump to get them started, the Democrats may keep the conversation away from put-downs and personal remarks.  Probably...
5 - playing it safe
With fewer on-stage candidates, there will be less need to stand out above the noise.  Also given the early approaches of the five campaigns, these people may lean towards "playing it safe" as opposed to standing out or getting attention.
Think you know who's going to run in the election?  Be sure to join our Presidential Candidate Elimination Pool!

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